Soon the beautiful Season of Lent begins once more. (Wednesday February 22nd.) It is a wonderful time for Housekeeping. Do you recall Mole doing his Spring cleaning and getting excited by the changing weather? Lent is time for a spiritual clear out. The Church has always and will always offer us 3 ways of "clearing out". Firstly more Prayer. Spend more time with The Lord. Visit a Church. Read Sacred Scripture. Come to a weekday Mass. Secondly more Charity. Make sure you do something for someone who is facing difficulties at this time. Raise money for a Charity. Save all your spare change and give it to a Charity. And thirdly do less for yourself. Give something up. It is an exercise in self mastery. Can I control myself a little over the next few weeks? Might this teach me something about how I am living my life at the moment? The period of 40 days (Sundays do not count as they are the day of The Lord's Ressurection) is long enough to remind us that all the days that we are given are an opportunity (not to be repeated) to seek find and love Our Lord.
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