Parish Pastoral Council
Finance Committee
Dates and times and places of meetings of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee will always be included in the weekly Newsletters.
Parish Pastoral Council Chairman: Mike Webber
Clerk: Brian Haran [email protected]; [email protected]m
Finance Committee Chairman: Peter Ripley
Parish Pastoral Council Chairman: Mike Webber
Clerk: Brian Haran [email protected]; [email protected]m
Finance Committee Chairman: Peter Ripley
St Catherine’s Church PPC meeting Saturday January 18, 2025
Welcome and opening prayer
Additional members were welcomed to the PPC: Rosaleen Murphy (President Littlehampton SVP) and Neil Sterley (our rep on Littlehampton Churches)
Apologies for absence: Teresa Burbidge, Anita Tackley, Sue Pegrum, Rosaleen Murphy. Lachlan MacKay.
Members present were Father Boniface, Deacon Adrian, Chairman Mike Webber, Clerk Brian Haran, Anne Haynes, Gill Hawkins, Adrienne Blondell, Wioletta Bartkow, Neil Sterley, Natasha Stanley, Peter Ripley, Adriana Jamesova, Josephine Buwembo and Shola Akinmurele (the meeting was also attended by Bart Bond).
Minutes of 21/9/24 meeting: approved
Matters arising: Natasha Stanley was elected vice-chairman
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Deacon Adrian said Bishop Richard was seeking a moderator for our new deanery. There was nothing new to add at this stage, and he will try and glean more from the next deanery meeting in a few weeks’ time.
Feedback from the St Catherine’s Day celebrations/Christmas/New Year: Mike Webber said the St Catherine’s Day celebration on November 23 was spectacular and a great success.
The church was festooned with 33 national flags, loads of raffle prizes were donated and more than 200 excellent photos were taken on the day by Natasha Stanley and put up on the church’s website.
Both Christmas (Eve and Morning) masses were very well attended.
New Evangelisation: Adrienne Blondell said it cropped up from Confirmation and Holy Communion classes that many parents had a lack of knowledge about their faith, a view reiterated by Deacon Adrian.
She proposed that various bulletins produced by Ascension Press – on subjects such as praying the Rosary, explaining the Catechism and the Sunday Gospel readings – could be given out each week.
The proposed cost is £300 per annum and the matter has been referred to the Finance Committee.
Deacon Adrian wants to introduce a 6-week baptism course but would need volunteers to help, something St Catherine’s is lacking in some departments.
It is proposed to hold a Jobs Fair at a forthcoming celebration event to try and drum up more support.
Choir: Mike Webber said a lack of notice of which responsorial psalm would be sung meant the readings sometimes had to be changed at the eleventh hour, a problem Father Boniface said he would rectify.
Fr Boniface said that the Entrance and Exit hymns should always be sung by the congregation.
Father B suggested the choir should curtail any second hymn at the offertory or after communion if he is ready to proceed with the Order of the Mass.
He is looking at revamping the church’s sound system, and also at introducing entrance and exit hymns at weekday masses.
Future Parish Events: A Festival of Hope event will be held on Saturday September 20 at Ardingly Showground (near Haywards Heath) to mark the diocese’s 60th anniversary. Parishes will be allocated free tickets in due course.
A barbecue is planned for Sunday June 29 at St Catherine’s. Fire marshals and cooks etc will be sought to help, while the local Macedonian community will also be approached to see if they will lend a hand.
Father B proposed that the church would pay towards the cost of the meat. Any financial donations from the congregation will help to keep the cost down, so families are not discouraged from attending because of the cost.
Meanwhile a cake sale is proposed for after mass on Sunday May 4, with a stall alongside to recruit more volunteers.
Parish Finance Committee 14.1.25, matters arising:
(1) A volunteer – or 2-3 in a job share? – is urgently needed to take church hall bookings, show hirers around, give out keys etc
(2) The hall bar has been repaired, along with kind offers to redecorate it. The PPC suggested that all glasses should be removed and disposed of, with a small number being retained elsewhere for parish use. (The latter is already being actioned by Adriana.)
(3) Gift Aid envelopes will be discontinued from April due to very low use. Parishioners using them will be encouraged instead to pay by bank standing order instead, supported by a one-off Gift Aid declaration if a taxpayer
(4) Definitive advice is needed from the diocese on copyright. For as long as the choir uses photocopied music sheets as now, a licence at a cost of £300-plus annually would be required.
Reports from Groups
Littlehampton Churches Together: LCT as an organisation has disbanded. The chief reason for this is the financial liability it had accrued for the activities started and events held in its name.
As a result, LCT Funds will be disbursed equally among the 9 member churches. (It has since been reported that each church will receive £761)
Littlehampton Churches are still committed to Christian unity and, hopefully, future events will be led by individual churches (eg the Good Friday Walk of Witness this year being led by Trinity Church). Church Leaders (or their representatives) will still continue to meet regularly (for fellowship and prayer). Fr B asked Neil to attend such meetings as our representative.
Fr Mark Williams, Vicar of St Mary’s, will be leaving Littlehampton in March for a parish in Swansea.
Due to a lack of time, no other Reports from Groups could be made
Date and Time of Next Meeting: Saturday 26 April 2025 at 11.00am
Additional members were welcomed to the PPC: Rosaleen Murphy (President Littlehampton SVP) and Neil Sterley (our rep on Littlehampton Churches)
Apologies for absence: Teresa Burbidge, Anita Tackley, Sue Pegrum, Rosaleen Murphy. Lachlan MacKay.
Members present were Father Boniface, Deacon Adrian, Chairman Mike Webber, Clerk Brian Haran, Anne Haynes, Gill Hawkins, Adrienne Blondell, Wioletta Bartkow, Neil Sterley, Natasha Stanley, Peter Ripley, Adriana Jamesova, Josephine Buwembo and Shola Akinmurele (the meeting was also attended by Bart Bond).
Minutes of 21/9/24 meeting: approved
Matters arising: Natasha Stanley was elected vice-chairman
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Deacon Adrian said Bishop Richard was seeking a moderator for our new deanery. There was nothing new to add at this stage, and he will try and glean more from the next deanery meeting in a few weeks’ time.
Feedback from the St Catherine’s Day celebrations/Christmas/New Year: Mike Webber said the St Catherine’s Day celebration on November 23 was spectacular and a great success.
The church was festooned with 33 national flags, loads of raffle prizes were donated and more than 200 excellent photos were taken on the day by Natasha Stanley and put up on the church’s website.
Both Christmas (Eve and Morning) masses were very well attended.
New Evangelisation: Adrienne Blondell said it cropped up from Confirmation and Holy Communion classes that many parents had a lack of knowledge about their faith, a view reiterated by Deacon Adrian.
She proposed that various bulletins produced by Ascension Press – on subjects such as praying the Rosary, explaining the Catechism and the Sunday Gospel readings – could be given out each week.
The proposed cost is £300 per annum and the matter has been referred to the Finance Committee.
Deacon Adrian wants to introduce a 6-week baptism course but would need volunteers to help, something St Catherine’s is lacking in some departments.
It is proposed to hold a Jobs Fair at a forthcoming celebration event to try and drum up more support.
Choir: Mike Webber said a lack of notice of which responsorial psalm would be sung meant the readings sometimes had to be changed at the eleventh hour, a problem Father Boniface said he would rectify.
Fr Boniface said that the Entrance and Exit hymns should always be sung by the congregation.
Father B suggested the choir should curtail any second hymn at the offertory or after communion if he is ready to proceed with the Order of the Mass.
He is looking at revamping the church’s sound system, and also at introducing entrance and exit hymns at weekday masses.
Future Parish Events: A Festival of Hope event will be held on Saturday September 20 at Ardingly Showground (near Haywards Heath) to mark the diocese’s 60th anniversary. Parishes will be allocated free tickets in due course.
A barbecue is planned for Sunday June 29 at St Catherine’s. Fire marshals and cooks etc will be sought to help, while the local Macedonian community will also be approached to see if they will lend a hand.
Father B proposed that the church would pay towards the cost of the meat. Any financial donations from the congregation will help to keep the cost down, so families are not discouraged from attending because of the cost.
Meanwhile a cake sale is proposed for after mass on Sunday May 4, with a stall alongside to recruit more volunteers.
Parish Finance Committee 14.1.25, matters arising:
(1) A volunteer – or 2-3 in a job share? – is urgently needed to take church hall bookings, show hirers around, give out keys etc
(2) The hall bar has been repaired, along with kind offers to redecorate it. The PPC suggested that all glasses should be removed and disposed of, with a small number being retained elsewhere for parish use. (The latter is already being actioned by Adriana.)
(3) Gift Aid envelopes will be discontinued from April due to very low use. Parishioners using them will be encouraged instead to pay by bank standing order instead, supported by a one-off Gift Aid declaration if a taxpayer
(4) Definitive advice is needed from the diocese on copyright. For as long as the choir uses photocopied music sheets as now, a licence at a cost of £300-plus annually would be required.
Reports from Groups
Littlehampton Churches Together: LCT as an organisation has disbanded. The chief reason for this is the financial liability it had accrued for the activities started and events held in its name.
As a result, LCT Funds will be disbursed equally among the 9 member churches. (It has since been reported that each church will receive £761)
Littlehampton Churches are still committed to Christian unity and, hopefully, future events will be led by individual churches (eg the Good Friday Walk of Witness this year being led by Trinity Church). Church Leaders (or their representatives) will still continue to meet regularly (for fellowship and prayer). Fr B asked Neil to attend such meetings as our representative.
Fr Mark Williams, Vicar of St Mary’s, will be leaving Littlehampton in March for a parish in Swansea.
Due to a lack of time, no other Reports from Groups could be made
Date and Time of Next Meeting: Saturday 26 April 2025 at 11.00am
St Catherine’s Church PPC Minutes 21/09/2024
Present: Father Boniface, Mike Webber (chair), Anne Haynes, Shola Akinmurele, Teresa Burbidge, Adriana Jamesova, Anita Tackley, Peter Ripley, Natasha Stanley (clerk)
Apologies: Adrienne Blondell, Wioletta Bartkow, Josephine Buwembo and Gill Hawkins (all at an FHC Meeting), Deacon Adrian, Brian Haran, Sue Pegrum
Minutes of 18th May 2024 were agreed.
Action: Brian to record in the file and on-line
Sanctuary upgrading
Father Boniface reported we are ready to complete the work to upgrade the sanctuary flooring. £3235 has been raised through the congregation, and the remaining amount has been generously gifted through a legacy. A deposit of half the total cost has been paid, and the works to lay the new carpet have been scheduled for Monday 14th October. The work is estimated to take three days and will include the Joseph altar floor. Father Boniface will be on Pilgrimage to Fatima, so there will be no weekday masses and no disruption to the weekend masses.
Father Boniface stated that any rugs, currently on the altars, will be repurposed throughout the church and parish buildings.
Diocesan Pastoral Plan
Father Terry Martin, following a sabbatical, has returned as our Dean, and by the end of January 2025 we will know more about the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Father Boniface assured the Meeting that anything concerning St Catherine’s interests would not be dropped. In summary, there is nothing to be concerned about.
Review of The Saints Peter and Paul Celebration – 30th June 2024
Adriana recommended that dishes have names, the country of origin and dietary information, for example suitable for vegans, contains nuts.
Action: cardboard signs to be available to record dish information (Adriana to arrange)
Mike questioned the current storage place of the paper decorations due to issues of damp. Father Boniface informed the Meeting that the “electric room” had been cleared and rearranged, with work ongoing. Our Macedonian community are also storing items in this location.
Action: Mike and Adriana to check the decorations are still there
Postscript: Done. They are there and will be clearly labelled in future, Adriana reports
Action: Mike and Adriana to report on any dampness
It was reported that the raffle for the St Peter and St Paul celebration was given to very generously by the parishioners and most raffle tickets won prizes. With this in mind, the Meeting was invited to discuss more ways of generating money with so many donation prizes available. It was agreed that there would be a tombola and raffle at the St Catherine’s Day celebration, as well as a bottle stall, to include any bottle, not just alcohol. Shola suggested that raffle tickets might be sold in the weeks before the event.
Action: Father Boniface to link with Sue to promote in the newsletter.
St Catherine’s Day Celebration – Saturday 23rd November 2024
The Bishop will be attending this celebration. It will take place on Saturday 23rd November at 11am. There will be a mass followed by further celebrations in the hall, including food and drink.
It was confirmed, by Father Boniface, that the Order of Service will be available by the end of October.
Adriana and Adelfa will sing the psalm.
Flags: It was agreed that communities will be invited to supply their own national flags for decoration in the church. It was agreed that flags, ideally, should be A2 size and cloth, if possible. Only national flags will be accepted. Parishioners are to be asked to donate them to the church, so they can be kept for future occasions. Any flag with a cherished or sentimental value will be returned.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to advertise in the newsletter (which will then be included in the notices)
The Lord’s Prayer: It was decided that communities would also be contacted to provide a copy of The Our Father in their own language, on A4 paper, for display in the hall.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to advertise in the newsletter (which would then be included in the notices)
Ribbon: Father Boniface suggested a ribbon be put before the Altar, so the Bishop can cut it and officially open the upgrade to the Sanctuary.
Action: Sue to source a suitable ribbon
Photography: It was agreed that Natasha will take photographs of the event.
Action: Natasha to liaise with Father Boniface about any requirements
Hall Preparation: Adriana stated that she would need access to the hall on Friday 22nd November to set it up. Mike thought the NHS had a pre-booked event that day, into the evening. It was agreed that those involved would work round this if necessary.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to ask in the newsletter for volunteers to help set up the hall.
Action: Adriana to co-ordinate.
Short History of the Church: Mike confirmed that a short history of St Catherine’s would be available for sale at or before the event. There was a discussion on how to get it printed and the number of copies. Mike suggested getting at least 100 copies. Peter suggested various printing options. It was agreed that everything must be ready for the printer by 21st October.
Action: Mike to investigate printing costs and deadlines
Action: Mike and Natasha to provide suitable photos
Other Points:
Adriana reported that Tina is to arrange for extra flowers for the event.
Action: Adriana to liaise with Tina about flowers.
Laminated cards and pictures of St Catherine will be on the tables in the hall. Adriana has some from the last event.
Action: Adriana to provide St Catherine cards for the tables
There was discussion about music in the hall on the day and copyright issues. It was agreed that there would be no music, as people will be talking anyway.
Father Boniface confirmed that the event will start to be publicised from next weekend. Parishioners from both the Vigil and Sunday masses will be encouraged to attend the celebration as well as attend their regular mass.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to publicise through the newsletter.
Adriana suggested that parishioners should be invited to attend in national costume.
Action: Adriana to email the requirements to Mike, then to Father Boniface and Sue for inclusion in the newsletter.
Other Parish Events
The Meeting discussed the New Year’s Day celebration. Father Boniface decided the event would take place at St Catherine’s, as there is more space. It will be a simple gathering, with a simple lunch, following an 11am mass.
The cake sale from last Sunday, 15th September, raised £402.60. It was suggested that a similar event take place next Spring.
Mike mentioned that 2025 is a year of anniversaries. It was agreed this would be picked up at the next meeting.
Reports from Groups
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: There has been no change recently. However, Anne has identified one possible interested parishioner.
Welcoming: Anita confirmed that this was going well. Mike said he felt that more Welcomers were needed, despite the recent increase at Vigil masses. The organising of the Offertory Processions was going well.
Offertory Collections: Both Mike and Father Boniface identified two problems with Sunday collections: there have been problems with absences, and the start of the collection is too slow. More volunteers are needed to cover the role, so that there is always someone present at mass who can step in. It was agreed that one more collector would be helpful at the Vigil mass and several more for the Sunday mass.
Mike also noted that the second collection can be problematic, while there is no specific person in charge.
Shola asked about the online offertory option in the newsletter. Father Boniface stated that the Finance Committee are currently exploring an internet connection method. Shola and Mike suggested a barcode or QR Code option. Peter added that for £30 you could have a smart phone app to take donations, given to a few nominated parishioners.
In the interim, Father Boniface agreed the church’s bank account details should be in the newsletter.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to advertise for more volunteers to help with the collection.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to add the church’s bank account details in the newsletter
Reading: It was reported that the week after the Bishop’s visit, the Parish Mass books would be changing. Father Boniface confirmed that all the books for the Sanctuary had been ordered. St Joseph’s had very kindly paid for these, to the value of roughly £1000. The parishioners’ books have also been ordered. The books have been ordered in batches to spread the payment. The changes start in Advent.
Action: Collectively, as a parish, we need to thank St Joseph’s.
Cleaning: This has been encouraging. Recently there have been up to eleven volunteers. Father Boniface wishes to continue recruiting through the newsletter and notices. Unfortunately, the church was doubled booked today, with the Macedonian mass and the cleaners arriving. Brian leads the cleaning group on WhatsApp. However, someone needs to let Brian know of double bookings, so he can cascade the information down. Apologies to the cleaning group.
Peter mentioned the need for someone to help with the caretaking and bookings.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to advertise for a caretaker and/or bookings volunteer.
Choir: Peter updated the Meeting about the potential copyright liability. The Parish have not renewed the copyright since approximately 2017. The copyright licence is in the region of £60. The licence would cover the halls as well. Copyright note from Peter is attached to these minutes.
Terry Warren and Nigel Corbin are happy for the choir to continue to use the musical arrangements that they have created.
Hymn books come with rights and privileges for church services. Father Boniface confirmed that 100 new hymnal books have already been ordered. The choir will be issued with their own copies.
Guitar and organ hymn books, with scores, were considered, a cost of roughly £50 each versus the copyright licence for £60. The problem with the copyright licence is the paperwork, which no one is prepared to cover.
Action: Choir to make use of the new hymn books, including the sheet music contained, as soon as they arrive.
Sacristy: Anne reported that there are a lovely batch of Altar Servers at present. They will be trained, and this is in hand.
Littlehampton Churches Together: Mike shared a new LA Churches Together leaflet, which lists all the local churches along with a map, produced by the Baptist Church.
There is another prayer meeting on Tuesday 1st October at 7.30opm at the LA United Church, next to Sainsburys.
There are possible changes to the Walk of Witness for 2025’s Good Friday. Consideration is being given to a longer walk with better known hymns. Natasha will take photos.
Unfortunately, Brian was unable to assist with the Town Show last weekend as his DBS is still pending.
The Turning On of the Lights and Children’s Nativity are due to take place outside Sainsbury’s on Saturday 23rd November.
The Christmas Tree and Crib Festival at the United Church is set for Saturday 7th December.
It was accepted that whilst Mike attends the LA Churches Together in respect of its monthly contribution to the Gazette, an official Rep for St Catherine’s is needed. The LA Churches Together meetings are on Wednesdays at 10am, six times a year.
Action: Father Boniface to liaise with Sue to advertise for an LA Churches Together Rep.
Food Bank: Donations have dropped off and Brian, through email, suggested a fresh push.
Action: Brian to liaise with Sue to include a reminder in the newsletter.
Justice and Peace Actions: Some men’s clothing has recently been left in the porch.
Action: Sue to redirect clothing.
Currently there is no Rep from St Catherine’s or St Joseph’s on our Deanery Group for Justice and Peace. The next meeting is Thursday 10th October at 7.30pm.
Our St Vincent de Paul Conference: A report from the Conference President, Rosaleen Murphy, informed us of its work and of two upcoming masses, was circulated to members. SVP report attached to these minutes.
AOB: Anne reminded everyone that the Parish Count is taking place. Roger and Rita have been given clickers. Wioletta will do Sundays.
The collection baskets should also go to the choir.
The next meeting will take place on Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11am.
In attendance: Father Boniface, Mike Webber, Brian Haran, Anita Tackley, Anne Haynes, Shola Akinmurele,
Natasha Stanley, Adriana Jamesova, Teresa Burbidge, Wioletta Bartkow, Lachlan Mackay, Sue Pegrum and
Steve Pope (Finance Committee, H and S)
Opening prayer and welcome (including to new member Natasha Stanley and to Steve Pope, who was
providing health and safety guidance)
Apologies for absence: Deacon Adrian, Peter Ripley, Adrienne Blondell, Josephine Buwembo and Gill
Minutes of March 2 meeting: Agreed and signed
Matter arising: Natasha said her husband Matt had agreed to lead Stations of the Cross next Lent. Father B
proposed holding Stations of the Cross on Wednesday evenings 6-7pm in Lent, with the option in principle
of stations of the cross being also held at other times if the demand was there.
Sanctuary upgrading: £3,235 has been raised so far towards the total of £9,000 plus VAT. Father B, who
said he wants to kick-start the appeal anew in June, stressed the appeal was for a carpet for St Catherine's
and was not his carpet.
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Father Terry Martin (currently on a year's sabbatical) will be the moderator of the
new deanery.
Father B added: "People should not be afraid of the changes ahead. Your priest will remain in your area."
Holy Week Services: The Palm Sunday procession was led by the choir, but the congregation was left to
walk in silence, said Mike Webber. A "simple ditty" during the procession, announced beforehand to the
congregation, would ensure much greater participation. Father B said he would pass these suggestions on
to the choir so they can take them on board.
New Year's Celebrations: A New Year's Day celebration/ mass was proposed, which would be a Mass for
Our Lady, possibly switching in alternate years between St Catherine's and St Joseph's, Rustington.
St Peter and St Paul Sunday Celebration (June 30): A barbecue had been proposed after the 11am mass.
Steve Pope from St Catherine's finance committee, with years of health and safety expertise, pointed out
several potential pitfalls - would those cooking the food have food hygiene qualifications, how would the
food be stored and also tested during cooking, would an experienced fire marshal be on hand?
After some debate, it was agreed to defer the proposed barbecue until next year so more research could
be undertaken.
Instead, parishioners will be encouraged to bring along food for a buffet in the hall, while donations for a
raffle can be dropped in to a basket in the church porch.
St Catherine's Saturday Celebration (November 23): Sue Pegrum's suggestion - that a short history of St
Catherine's could be printed in a glossy booklet which could be sold on the day - was enthusiastically
received by council members.
Other parish events: Pentecost Sunday next year (8 June) will also be the centenary of the death of Canon
Neave, St Catherine's longest-serving priest who spent 49 years here and left the church and priest’s house
much as it is today.
And in that same month (28 June), as it merges with other parishes in our Deanery, our parish will have
existed for 105 years.
Mike Webber suggested some celebration could be held on one of these days.Meanwhile, a Cake Sale is pencilled in for Sunday September 15 after Mass. Liaison with the SVP was
Formation/Catechism: 4 candidates were recently confirmed at Arundel Cathedral.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: 2 new ministers were inducted on May 12.
Anne Haynes said a member of the Keralan community had joined the ranks of eucharistic ministers which
should be celebrated.
Welcoming: More Saturday welcomers are needed.
The offertory procession, where members of the congregration bring forward the bread and wine, was
going well.
Mike Webber said any second collections after mass should receive one week's notice so members of the
congregation can be prepared for them.
Reading: 2 more readers have come forward for Saturday evening masses.
Mike Webber pointed out that the New Translation of Readings and Psalms, which comes in later this year,
could be at considerable expense for the parish to replace books. However, he noted that discounts were
available for orders placed by 30 June.
Fr B said that parish funds would be used to order the books for the sanctuary as well as a set of Sunday
Mass Books covering Year C. This would be done by 30 June.
Choir: Choir organist Terry Warren wrote to the meeting, querying whether the church needs a printed
music copyright licence.
He explained: "The Bishop said that individual parishes were responsible for checking their needs under
copyright legislation. He also stressed that the diocese would not pay the bill for any costs incurred through
non-compliance with the law."
Father B responded at the meeting that all hymns sung should be from the hymn book as we do not have
the funds to pay for copyright licences.
But he invited Terry Warren to look into costings further.
Sacristy: The council agreed that the figure of Christ crucified, which had been stored in the sacristy
recently and is believed to be from the former Holy Family Convent in Norfolk Road which closed in 1988,
could be sent to a parish in Nigeria.
Father B said parishioners there would not only be hugely grateful but would put up a plaque with thanks
to St Catherine's
Other items to be sent out to Nigeria, including chalices, have been donated by the religious Sisters who
recently moved to a Home in Climping.
Littlehampton Churches Together (LCT): A new vicar has been appointed from September to All Saints,
Wick and St Mary Magdalene's, Lyminster.
The Good Friday Walk of Witness: this year saw a good turnout from St Catherine's. Natasha Stanley
agreed to take photos of next year's event on behalf of LCT.
Brian Haran agreed to provide representation on the LCT stall at this year's Littlehampton Town Show on
September 14.
Summer Camp (for 80 Yr 6 pupils) in August BH week: 9 spaces left for Vulnerable Children (Have we
any?). In past years, St Catherine’s, along with other churches, have each sponsored one or two of these
children. The current cost is £84 per child. Can we do the same this year? (Note: the annual contribution
asked of Churches for LCT Projects will not be requested this year, due to a generous donation)
Justice and Peace Actions: A good response has been received for the recent request for clothing for
Gatwick Detainees.
The SVP and CAFOD are encouraging Catholics to ask questions of parliamentary candidates on various
ethical matters.The Deanery J&P Group wish to hold their next meeting on 4th July at St Catherine’s. (This is now not
possible, as the Centre will be a Polling Station on 4th July)
Any other (urgent) business: Father B said the leak in the bar room of the church hall, had been fixed.
Thanks were given to Wioletta Bartkow for taking on the task of collecting the Mission red boxes.
Date and time of next meeting: Saturday September 21, 11am, in the Don Bosco Room
In attendance: Father Boniface, Mike Webber, Brian Haran, Anita Tackley, Anne Haynes, Shola Akinmurele,
Natasha Stanley, Adriana Jamesova, Teresa Burbidge, Wioletta Bartkow, Lachlan Mackay, Sue Pegrum and
Steve Pope (Finance Committee, H and S)
Opening prayer and welcome (including to new member Natasha Stanley and to Steve Pope, who was
providing health and safety guidance)
Apologies for absence: Deacon Adrian, Peter Ripley, Adrienne Blondell, Josephine Buwembo and Gill
Minutes of March 2 meeting: Agreed and signed
Matter arising: Natasha said her husband Matt had agreed to lead Stations of the Cross next Lent. Father B
proposed holding Stations of the Cross on Wednesday evenings 6-7pm in Lent, with the option in principle
of stations of the cross being also held at other times if the demand was there.
Sanctuary upgrading: £3,235 has been raised so far towards the total of £9,000 plus VAT. Father B, who
said he wants to kick-start the appeal anew in June, stressed the appeal was for a carpet for St Catherine's
and was not his carpet.
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Father Terry Martin (currently on a year's sabbatical) will be the moderator of the
new deanery.
Father B added: "People should not be afraid of the changes ahead. Your priest will remain in your area."
Holy Week Services: The Palm Sunday procession was led by the choir, but the congregation was left to
walk in silence, said Mike Webber. A "simple ditty" during the procession, announced beforehand to the
congregation, would ensure much greater participation. Father B said he would pass these suggestions on
to the choir so they can take them on board.
New Year's Celebrations: A New Year's Day celebration/ mass was proposed, which would be a Mass for
Our Lady, possibly switching in alternate years between St Catherine's and St Joseph's, Rustington.
St Peter and St Paul Sunday Celebration (June 30): A barbecue had been proposed after the 11am mass.
Steve Pope from St Catherine's finance committee, with years of health and safety expertise, pointed out
several potential pitfalls - would those cooking the food have food hygiene qualifications, how would the
food be stored and also tested during cooking, would an experienced fire marshal be on hand?
After some debate, it was agreed to defer the proposed barbecue until next year so more research could
be undertaken.
Instead, parishioners will be encouraged to bring along food for a buffet in the hall, while donations for a
raffle can be dropped in to a basket in the church porch.
St Catherine's Saturday Celebration (November 23): Sue Pegrum's suggestion - that a short history of St
Catherine's could be printed in a glossy booklet which could be sold on the day - was enthusiastically
received by council members.
Other parish events: Pentecost Sunday next year (8 June) will also be the centenary of the death of Canon
Neave, St Catherine's longest-serving priest who spent 49 years here and left the church and priest’s house
much as it is today.
And in that same month (28 June), as it merges with other parishes in our Deanery, our parish will have
existed for 105 years.
Mike Webber suggested some celebration could be held on one of these days.Meanwhile, a Cake Sale is pencilled in for Sunday September 15 after Mass. Liaison with the SVP was
Formation/Catechism: 4 candidates were recently confirmed at Arundel Cathedral.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: 2 new ministers were inducted on May 12.
Anne Haynes said a member of the Keralan community had joined the ranks of eucharistic ministers which
should be celebrated.
Welcoming: More Saturday welcomers are needed.
The offertory procession, where members of the congregration bring forward the bread and wine, was
going well.
Mike Webber said any second collections after mass should receive one week's notice so members of the
congregation can be prepared for them.
Reading: 2 more readers have come forward for Saturday evening masses.
Mike Webber pointed out that the New Translation of Readings and Psalms, which comes in later this year,
could be at considerable expense for the parish to replace books. However, he noted that discounts were
available for orders placed by 30 June.
Fr B said that parish funds would be used to order the books for the sanctuary as well as a set of Sunday
Mass Books covering Year C. This would be done by 30 June.
Choir: Choir organist Terry Warren wrote to the meeting, querying whether the church needs a printed
music copyright licence.
He explained: "The Bishop said that individual parishes were responsible for checking their needs under
copyright legislation. He also stressed that the diocese would not pay the bill for any costs incurred through
non-compliance with the law."
Father B responded at the meeting that all hymns sung should be from the hymn book as we do not have
the funds to pay for copyright licences.
But he invited Terry Warren to look into costings further.
Sacristy: The council agreed that the figure of Christ crucified, which had been stored in the sacristy
recently and is believed to be from the former Holy Family Convent in Norfolk Road which closed in 1988,
could be sent to a parish in Nigeria.
Father B said parishioners there would not only be hugely grateful but would put up a plaque with thanks
to St Catherine's
Other items to be sent out to Nigeria, including chalices, have been donated by the religious Sisters who
recently moved to a Home in Climping.
Littlehampton Churches Together (LCT): A new vicar has been appointed from September to All Saints,
Wick and St Mary Magdalene's, Lyminster.
The Good Friday Walk of Witness: this year saw a good turnout from St Catherine's. Natasha Stanley
agreed to take photos of next year's event on behalf of LCT.
Brian Haran agreed to provide representation on the LCT stall at this year's Littlehampton Town Show on
September 14.
Summer Camp (for 80 Yr 6 pupils) in August BH week: 9 spaces left for Vulnerable Children (Have we
any?). In past years, St Catherine’s, along with other churches, have each sponsored one or two of these
children. The current cost is £84 per child. Can we do the same this year? (Note: the annual contribution
asked of Churches for LCT Projects will not be requested this year, due to a generous donation)
Justice and Peace Actions: A good response has been received for the recent request for clothing for
Gatwick Detainees.
The SVP and CAFOD are encouraging Catholics to ask questions of parliamentary candidates on various
ethical matters.The Deanery J&P Group wish to hold their next meeting on 4th July at St Catherine’s. (This is now not
possible, as the Centre will be a Polling Station on 4th July)
Any other (urgent) business: Father B said the leak in the bar room of the church hall, had been fixed.
Thanks were given to Wioletta Bartkow for taking on the task of collecting the Mission red boxes.
Date and time of next meeting: Saturday September 21, 11am, in the Don Bosco Room
St Catherine's Parish Pastoral Council meeting -
Saturday May 18 at 11am in the Don Bosco Room
1 Welcome and opening prayer
2 Apologies for absence
3 Minutes of the March 2 meeting
4 Matters arising
5 Sanctuary upgrading - update
6 Diocesan Pastoral Plan - update (if any)
7 Holy Week Services - feedback
8 The St Peter and St Paul Sunday Celebration (30 June)
9 The St Catherine's Saturday Celebration (23 Nov)
10 Other parish events
11 a) formation/catechism; b) Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers; c) welcoming ; d) reading: e)church cleaning; f) choir: g) sacristy; h) Littlehampton Churches Together; i) food bank; j) justice and peace actions.
12 Any other (urgent) business
13 Date and time of next meeting
2 Apologies for absence
3 Minutes of the March 2 meeting
4 Matters arising
5 Sanctuary upgrading - update
6 Diocesan Pastoral Plan - update (if any)
7 Holy Week Services - feedback
8 The St Peter and St Paul Sunday Celebration (30 June)
9 The St Catherine's Saturday Celebration (23 Nov)
10 Other parish events
11 a) formation/catechism; b) Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers; c) welcoming ; d) reading: e)church cleaning; f) choir: g) sacristy; h) Littlehampton Churches Together; i) food bank; j) justice and peace actions.
12 Any other (urgent) business
13 Date and time of next meeting
Present: Father Boniface, Mike Webber (chairman), Brian Haran (clerk), Gill Hawkins, Wioletta Bartkow, Anne Haynes, Anita Tackley, Adriana Jamesova, Adrienne Blondell, Peter Ripley, Shola Akinmurele, Lachlan MacKay, Josephine Buwembo and Teresa Burbidge.
Apologies for absence: Deacon Adrian and Sue Pegrum
Minutes of 9/12/23 meeting: were agreed, after one minor amendment.
Quinquennial report (into the state of the parish’s buildings): Peter Ripley (who chairs the Parish Finance Committee) pointed out that the Survey had been conducted in May 2022 and all the urgent work specified in the subsequent Report had now been completed - with other work still being scheduled. The buildings are ageing and need much attention, probably costing in excess of £160,000. A request for financial support will be sought from the diocese, based on specific estimates. He added that the parish is well served by the members of its maintenance team.
Upgrading of the sanctuary: Father B said the new carpet would cost around £9,000 plus VAT. The currently vinyl flooring is lumpy and easily gets dirty, he said. Experts will check on the state of the flooring before proceeding.
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Mike Webber reminded us that in around 10-12 months’ time, the Worthing deanery will become a parish – and priests within our deanery will likely move around more than in the past. Adrienne Blondell suggested some lay people should join members of the clergy on future pre-planning meetings in the deanery. Father Boniface offered a note of reassurance, saying that Bishop Richard did not seem keen on closing churches.
Holy Week: People are encouraged to bring their own branches to Palm Sunday masses this year. Adrienne and Shola will liaise over the lighting of the fire at the Easter Vigil.
The purpose and content of the Sacred Triduum Services would be publicised and explained in the Newsletter and on the altar in advance, to promote greater attendance at these Services.
Father Boniface proposed having a mass at St Catherine’s on
Easter Monday – “Galilee Day” – with a family barbecue afterwards to help celebrate the Resurrection.
For our planned St Peter and St Paul celebrations on Sunday June 30, people will be encouraged to bring along barbecue equipment for the post-mass celebrations, with part of the car park cordoned off to enable safe access.
Re the St Catherine’s Day Mass, flags of different nationalities will be displayed, along with prayers in different languages. The Hall would not be available for preparation until 9pm the day before.
The next cake sale would be held in September.
Further ahead, Adrienne Blondell suggested that the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass should be held later in the evening, maybe between 8 and 10pm. Father B said he would consider the proposal.
Father B also said a mass should be said on January 1, to celebrate Our Blessed Mother.
Formation/catechism: A confirmation service will be held on Sunday May 12 at 3pm in Arundel Cathedral. First Holy Communion services will take place at St Catherine’s on Saturdays June 15 and also 22, both at 11am.
Eucharistic Ministers: Training sessions were being held, and it was hoped to have a commissioning ceremony at Mass on Sunday March 17.
Welcoming: More Welcomers are needed. It was pointed out that they have a duty to find two people for the Offertory Procession, but not to arrange for Collectors.
Reading: A microphone extension has been installed, offering greater clarity for readings. 2 new readers have come forward for the Saturday vigil mass, while a pool of 15 readers is currently available for the Sunday mass. No-one is currently available to read the announcements at the vigil mass.
Cleaning: Hopefully 4 new recruits have come forward to boost the fortnightly cleaning team.
Sacristy: A group of Servite Sisters, who had been living in Bognor, had recently moved to Climping. They have given Father some vestments. He gives them Holy Communion each Wednesday, and also plans to say a monthly mass for them.
Littlehampton Churches Together: A Walk of Witness will be held from 11am on Good Friday, starting at St Mary’s Church in Church Street, and ending in the garden of the United Church in the town centre with a short service.
A Joint Service was planned for Pentecost (Sun 19 May) at 2.00pm in our car park, with tea afterwards in the Centre. [ LCT later – on 13 March - cancelled this Service] St Catherine’s is one of three churches in Littlehampton who will be visited by 40 Yr 7 students from the Littlehampton Academy on Tuesday 12 March to help them with their understanding of “Christian Places of Worship”. [ Also cancelled on the day due to rain. Visit will now take place after Easter]
Justice & Peace Actions: The Deanery Group has planned for Big Easter Walk to raise money for CAFOD on Saturday 20th April. Any distance along the sea front between Littlehampton to Shoreham. It will need publicising and organising in each parish. Is anyone interested in taking this on? (Mike has the details of what is needed)
SVP: A detailed report of its activities was read out. In summary: the 9-strong group meets monthly in the Don Bosco Room. Members visit/call on people in care homes/their own homes; a benefactor’s gift of money was distributed via schools; SVP give money to “twinned” parishes in Africa and India, and hold monthly afternoon teas in the hall, as well as regularly serving coffee after Sunday mass.
Next Meeting: 11.00am on Saturday 18 May in the Parish Centre
Present: Father Boniface, Mike Webber (chairman), Brian Haran (clerk), Gill Hawkins, Wioletta Bartkow, Anne Haynes, Anita Tackley, Adriana Jamesova, Adrienne Blondell, Peter Ripley, Shola Akinmurele, Lachlan MacKay, Josephine Buwembo and Teresa Burbidge.
Apologies for absence: Deacon Adrian and Sue Pegrum
Minutes of 9/12/23 meeting: were agreed, after one minor amendment.
Quinquennial report (into the state of the parish’s buildings): Peter Ripley (who chairs the Parish Finance Committee) pointed out that the Survey had been conducted in May 2022 and all the urgent work specified in the subsequent Report had now been completed - with other work still being scheduled. The buildings are ageing and need much attention, probably costing in excess of £160,000. A request for financial support will be sought from the diocese, based on specific estimates. He added that the parish is well served by the members of its maintenance team.
Upgrading of the sanctuary: Father B said the new carpet would cost around £9,000 plus VAT. The currently vinyl flooring is lumpy and easily gets dirty, he said. Experts will check on the state of the flooring before proceeding.
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Mike Webber reminded us that in around 10-12 months’ time, the Worthing deanery will become a parish – and priests within our deanery will likely move around more than in the past. Adrienne Blondell suggested some lay people should join members of the clergy on future pre-planning meetings in the deanery. Father Boniface offered a note of reassurance, saying that Bishop Richard did not seem keen on closing churches.
Holy Week: People are encouraged to bring their own branches to Palm Sunday masses this year. Adrienne and Shola will liaise over the lighting of the fire at the Easter Vigil.
The purpose and content of the Sacred Triduum Services would be publicised and explained in the Newsletter and on the altar in advance, to promote greater attendance at these Services.
Father Boniface proposed having a mass at St Catherine’s on
Easter Monday – “Galilee Day” – with a family barbecue afterwards to help celebrate the Resurrection.
For our planned St Peter and St Paul celebrations on Sunday June 30, people will be encouraged to bring along barbecue equipment for the post-mass celebrations, with part of the car park cordoned off to enable safe access.
Re the St Catherine’s Day Mass, flags of different nationalities will be displayed, along with prayers in different languages. The Hall would not be available for preparation until 9pm the day before.
The next cake sale would be held in September.
Further ahead, Adrienne Blondell suggested that the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass should be held later in the evening, maybe between 8 and 10pm. Father B said he would consider the proposal.
Father B also said a mass should be said on January 1, to celebrate Our Blessed Mother.
Formation/catechism: A confirmation service will be held on Sunday May 12 at 3pm in Arundel Cathedral. First Holy Communion services will take place at St Catherine’s on Saturdays June 15 and also 22, both at 11am.
Eucharistic Ministers: Training sessions were being held, and it was hoped to have a commissioning ceremony at Mass on Sunday March 17.
Welcoming: More Welcomers are needed. It was pointed out that they have a duty to find two people for the Offertory Procession, but not to arrange for Collectors.
Reading: A microphone extension has been installed, offering greater clarity for readings. 2 new readers have come forward for the Saturday vigil mass, while a pool of 15 readers is currently available for the Sunday mass. No-one is currently available to read the announcements at the vigil mass.
Cleaning: Hopefully 4 new recruits have come forward to boost the fortnightly cleaning team.
Sacristy: A group of Servite Sisters, who had been living in Bognor, had recently moved to Climping. They have given Father some vestments. He gives them Holy Communion each Wednesday, and also plans to say a monthly mass for them.
Littlehampton Churches Together: A Walk of Witness will be held from 11am on Good Friday, starting at St Mary’s Church in Church Street, and ending in the garden of the United Church in the town centre with a short service.
A Joint Service was planned for Pentecost (Sun 19 May) at 2.00pm in our car park, with tea afterwards in the Centre. [ LCT later – on 13 March - cancelled this Service] St Catherine’s is one of three churches in Littlehampton who will be visited by 40 Yr 7 students from the Littlehampton Academy on Tuesday 12 March to help them with their understanding of “Christian Places of Worship”. [ Also cancelled on the day due to rain. Visit will now take place after Easter]
Justice & Peace Actions: The Deanery Group has planned for Big Easter Walk to raise money for CAFOD on Saturday 20th April. Any distance along the sea front between Littlehampton to Shoreham. It will need publicising and organising in each parish. Is anyone interested in taking this on? (Mike has the details of what is needed)
SVP: A detailed report of its activities was read out. In summary: the 9-strong group meets monthly in the Don Bosco Room. Members visit/call on people in care homes/their own homes; a benefactor’s gift of money was distributed via schools; SVP give money to “twinned” parishes in Africa and India, and hold monthly afternoon teas in the hall, as well as regularly serving coffee after Sunday mass.
Next Meeting: 11.00am on Saturday 18 May in the Parish Centre
St Catherine’s Parish Pastoral Council – Sat 2 March 11am in the Don Bosco Room
1 Welcome and Opening prayer
2 Apologies for absence
3 Minutes of the 9 Dec Meeting
4 Matters Arising
5 St Catherine’s Diocesan Quinquiennial Report –
Recommendations and financial implications
6 The Upgrading of the Sanctuary
7 The new Diocesan Pastoral Plan – Implications for St Catherine’s
8 Feedback from Christmas Celebrations
9 Holy Week Services
10 The St Peter & Paul Sunday Celebration (30 June)
11 The St Catherine Saturday Celebration (23 Nov)
12 Other Parish Events (inc Cake Sales, SVP Teas etc)
14 Any other (urgent) business
15 Date and time of next meeting.
1 Welcome and Opening prayer
2 Apologies for absence
3 Minutes of the 9 Dec Meeting
4 Matters Arising
5 St Catherine’s Diocesan Quinquiennial Report –
Recommendations and financial implications
6 The Upgrading of the Sanctuary
7 The new Diocesan Pastoral Plan – Implications for St Catherine’s
8 Feedback from Christmas Celebrations
9 Holy Week Services
10 The St Peter & Paul Sunday Celebration (30 June)
11 The St Catherine Saturday Celebration (23 Nov)
12 Other Parish Events (inc Cake Sales, SVP Teas etc)
- formation/catechism (b) extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers (c) welcoming (d) reading (e) church cleaning (f) choir (g) sacristy (h) Littlehampton Churches Together (i) food bank (j) justice and peace actions.
14 Any other (urgent) business
15 Date and time of next meeting.
Minutes of St Catherine’s Parish Pastoral Council – Sat 9 December 2023
Minutes of St Catherine’s Parish Pastoral Council – Sat 9 December 2023
Present were Fr Boniface, Deacon Adrian, Mike Webber (chairman), Brian Haran (clerk), Gill Hawkins, Anita Tackley, Adriana Jamesova, Adrienne Blondell, Peter Ripley, Shola Akinmurele, Wioletta Bartkow and Teresa Burbidge.
Father Boniface opened the meeting with a prayer
Apologies for absence were received from Sue Pegrum, Charles and Kay Cleary, Lachlan MacKay and Anne Haynes.
The minutes of the September 9 meeting: 4 minor amendments were made and the resulting minutes were agreed and signed by the chairman. These minutes will be posted online in due course.
CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENTS: Masses at St Catherine's will be at 6pm on Saturday 23rd, 11am on Sunday 24th, a 6pm vigil mass at 6pm also on the 24th (preceded by carols from 5.30pm) and 11am on Christmas Day (no pre-mass carols for this).
Father said the crib should be set up in front of the altar, rather than tucked away in a side chapel. If help was needed for the preparation of the church for Christmas, a request could be made at Mass on 16-17 Dec.
Anne H and Deacon Adrian will not be available on Christmas Day. So, in the absence of a sacristan, Deacon Adrian will prepare everything in advance.
ST CATHERINE'S DAY CELEBRATION: All agreed it was a success, and Adriana was congratulated for chiefly organising it.
It was agreed that a microphone was needed at similar events, and the necessary cable has been found to enable this.
Future ideas include drawing raffle prizes in advance (which would save 20 minutes) and running an ever-popular bottle tombola.
Father B suggested everyone submits flags from their own countries in advance of next year's event to form part of the decorations.
The church hall should be made available the afternoon before to allow time to put up decorations.
Next year it is planned to hold two events. As well as the St Catherine's Day celebration planned for Saturday November 23, a summer event is pencilled in for Sunday June 30 - to tie in with St Peter and St Paul feast day - possibly a family day/picnic outside, with an option to move inside if the weather is bad.
THE SANCTUARY: Father B said the vinyl surface covering the sanctuary is in poor shape, with old tiling underneath. If the whole area is carpeted (Bishop Richard had previously suggested laying a red carpet), fund raising for this, and for repainting the sanctuary ceiling, could get underway in January.
Formation/Catechism: Adrienne B proposed our mission statement should be...Make disciples of all nations.
There are 5 confirmation candidates, and 24 children preparing for their first Holy Communion.
Adrienne B proposed a parish audit should be held, based on scripture, prayer and questions.
A group should be established to examine what we as a parish do well, what is missing and what we need to do in the immediate future.
Deacon Adrian said he was looking into the idea of a Catholic Alpha course at St Catherine's, which could involve both non-Catholics and Catholics. (Bognor has such a group which is running well.) To start it, we would need to get some of our own congregation to act as "advocates", a stepping stone to encourage others.
He said that the number of baptisms were down on last year. It was suggested that consideration be given to including a single baptism in the Sunday Mass.
Deacon Adrian added that Bishop Richard will launch the third part of his Pastoral Plan on January 2, which will be based around service and formation.
Adrienne B suggested a drive to encourage everyone in the parish to sign up for one parish activity in the new year. Sign-up sheets would be made available one weekend, with the underlying message that part of belonging is serving. She asked that those who saw the need for more people to be involved in particular activities should contact her with this information.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Father B urged that people inform him as early as possible if someone known to them requires Holy Communion. It was suggested that care homes could be asked if any of their residents are baptised Catholics.
Father B said reception under both kinds had been introduced for Holy Communion at weekday Masses. It was suggested that consideration be given to suspending the Chalice at times when the incidence of respiratory infection was on the increase.
Deacon Adrian said a renewal of promises should be arranged for both Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers and Readers.
Welcoming: More welcomers are urgently sought for Sunday Masses. Currently, some welcomers are doubling up as choir members or children's liturgy volunteers.
Concern was expressed that the gap on Sundays between the conclusion of the Rosary and the start of mass had shrunk to only a few minutes.
Readers: Father B said he is working on providing longer and better microphones.
Church Cleaning: The number of cleaners has been depleted recently. Adrienne B said some of the first Holy Communion families will help out over the coming weeks (Note:forthcoming sessions are on December 16, 30, January 13 and 27.)
Choir: All the Christmas Masses (11am on the 24th, the 6pm Christmas Vigil Mass and 11am on Christmas Day) should be covered by some choir members and an organist. Fr B hoped that booklets of carols could be arranged and printed next year for use in next Christmas’s Carol Service.
Sacristy: The Clothes Press had been treated for woodworm and would no longer have to be replaced. Father B said the vestments are getting old and new ones are required.
More sacristans would be most welcome.
Parish events/fund raising: Cake sales will hopefully be a regular fixture alongside some of the coffee mornings after the 11am Mass, starting in January.
SVP Report: The Littlehampton Conference (currently 7 people) holds a monthly meeting in the Don Bosco Room. 15 people receive visits or phone calls each week. The Conference has tried, without success, to distribute money to poor families. Other money is donated to parishes in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and South Sudan. SVP have recently started a monthly Afternoon Tea, open to all parishioners, and continue to staff the kitchen for Sunday Coffee every 4 weeks. The Conference has provided a Memorial Book for the parish and blankets to Turning Tides and continues its ink-jet cartridge recycling.
Littlehampton Churches Together: A Good Friday Walk of Witness will be held through the town centre on March 29 from 11am.
An ecumenical Pentecost service will be held in St Catherine's car park at 2pm on Sunday May 19. It is intended that light refreshments and cake will be offered to attendees afterwards in our hall.
It is proposed that, on Remembrance Sunday next year, November 10, mass should commence at 11.20 or 11.30 to enable people to pay their respects at the act of remembrance beforehand at the war memorial in the town centre.
Date of next meeting: Saturday March 2 at 11am
Present were Fr Boniface, Deacon Adrian, Mike Webber (chairman), Brian Haran (clerk), Gill Hawkins, Anita Tackley, Adriana Jamesova, Adrienne Blondell, Peter Ripley, Shola Akinmurele, Wioletta Bartkow and Teresa Burbidge.
Father Boniface opened the meeting with a prayer
Apologies for absence were received from Sue Pegrum, Charles and Kay Cleary, Lachlan MacKay and Anne Haynes.
The minutes of the September 9 meeting: 4 minor amendments were made and the resulting minutes were agreed and signed by the chairman. These minutes will be posted online in due course.
CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENTS: Masses at St Catherine's will be at 6pm on Saturday 23rd, 11am on Sunday 24th, a 6pm vigil mass at 6pm also on the 24th (preceded by carols from 5.30pm) and 11am on Christmas Day (no pre-mass carols for this).
Father said the crib should be set up in front of the altar, rather than tucked away in a side chapel. If help was needed for the preparation of the church for Christmas, a request could be made at Mass on 16-17 Dec.
Anne H and Deacon Adrian will not be available on Christmas Day. So, in the absence of a sacristan, Deacon Adrian will prepare everything in advance.
ST CATHERINE'S DAY CELEBRATION: All agreed it was a success, and Adriana was congratulated for chiefly organising it.
It was agreed that a microphone was needed at similar events, and the necessary cable has been found to enable this.
Future ideas include drawing raffle prizes in advance (which would save 20 minutes) and running an ever-popular bottle tombola.
Father B suggested everyone submits flags from their own countries in advance of next year's event to form part of the decorations.
The church hall should be made available the afternoon before to allow time to put up decorations.
Next year it is planned to hold two events. As well as the St Catherine's Day celebration planned for Saturday November 23, a summer event is pencilled in for Sunday June 30 - to tie in with St Peter and St Paul feast day - possibly a family day/picnic outside, with an option to move inside if the weather is bad.
THE SANCTUARY: Father B said the vinyl surface covering the sanctuary is in poor shape, with old tiling underneath. If the whole area is carpeted (Bishop Richard had previously suggested laying a red carpet), fund raising for this, and for repainting the sanctuary ceiling, could get underway in January.
Formation/Catechism: Adrienne B proposed our mission statement should be...Make disciples of all nations.
There are 5 confirmation candidates, and 24 children preparing for their first Holy Communion.
Adrienne B proposed a parish audit should be held, based on scripture, prayer and questions.
A group should be established to examine what we as a parish do well, what is missing and what we need to do in the immediate future.
Deacon Adrian said he was looking into the idea of a Catholic Alpha course at St Catherine's, which could involve both non-Catholics and Catholics. (Bognor has such a group which is running well.) To start it, we would need to get some of our own congregation to act as "advocates", a stepping stone to encourage others.
He said that the number of baptisms were down on last year. It was suggested that consideration be given to including a single baptism in the Sunday Mass.
Deacon Adrian added that Bishop Richard will launch the third part of his Pastoral Plan on January 2, which will be based around service and formation.
Adrienne B suggested a drive to encourage everyone in the parish to sign up for one parish activity in the new year. Sign-up sheets would be made available one weekend, with the underlying message that part of belonging is serving. She asked that those who saw the need for more people to be involved in particular activities should contact her with this information.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Father B urged that people inform him as early as possible if someone known to them requires Holy Communion. It was suggested that care homes could be asked if any of their residents are baptised Catholics.
Father B said reception under both kinds had been introduced for Holy Communion at weekday Masses. It was suggested that consideration be given to suspending the Chalice at times when the incidence of respiratory infection was on the increase.
Deacon Adrian said a renewal of promises should be arranged for both Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers and Readers.
Welcoming: More welcomers are urgently sought for Sunday Masses. Currently, some welcomers are doubling up as choir members or children's liturgy volunteers.
Concern was expressed that the gap on Sundays between the conclusion of the Rosary and the start of mass had shrunk to only a few minutes.
Readers: Father B said he is working on providing longer and better microphones.
Church Cleaning: The number of cleaners has been depleted recently. Adrienne B said some of the first Holy Communion families will help out over the coming weeks (Note:forthcoming sessions are on December 16, 30, January 13 and 27.)
Choir: All the Christmas Masses (11am on the 24th, the 6pm Christmas Vigil Mass and 11am on Christmas Day) should be covered by some choir members and an organist. Fr B hoped that booklets of carols could be arranged and printed next year for use in next Christmas’s Carol Service.
Sacristy: The Clothes Press had been treated for woodworm and would no longer have to be replaced. Father B said the vestments are getting old and new ones are required.
More sacristans would be most welcome.
Parish events/fund raising: Cake sales will hopefully be a regular fixture alongside some of the coffee mornings after the 11am Mass, starting in January.
SVP Report: The Littlehampton Conference (currently 7 people) holds a monthly meeting in the Don Bosco Room. 15 people receive visits or phone calls each week. The Conference has tried, without success, to distribute money to poor families. Other money is donated to parishes in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and South Sudan. SVP have recently started a monthly Afternoon Tea, open to all parishioners, and continue to staff the kitchen for Sunday Coffee every 4 weeks. The Conference has provided a Memorial Book for the parish and blankets to Turning Tides and continues its ink-jet cartridge recycling.
Littlehampton Churches Together: A Good Friday Walk of Witness will be held through the town centre on March 29 from 11am.
An ecumenical Pentecost service will be held in St Catherine's car park at 2pm on Sunday May 19. It is intended that light refreshments and cake will be offered to attendees afterwards in our hall.
It is proposed that, on Remembrance Sunday next year, November 10, mass should commence at 11.20 or 11.30 to enable people to pay their respects at the act of remembrance beforehand at the war memorial in the town centre.
Date of next meeting: Saturday March 2 at 11am